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Each year, Pray Georgia convenes a State-wide Assembly, in a strategic location within Georgia, at the direction of the Lord.  Last year, the Lord directed us to convene a series of 12 Ekklesia Assemblies across the State of Georgia over 12-15 months beginning in May 2023.   We sense the Lord is releasing a Clarion Call to Summon the Gatekeepers within each Region, to come together to strategize and secure the Gate for their Region! 


Pray Georgia has an Apostolic Council comprised of Regional Ambassadors throughout the State, that carry Apostolic authority over the counties within their region.  Each Regional Ambassador will be hosting an Assembly in their Region and YOU ARE INVITED to join us as we assemble the Ekklesia at each Regional Gate! 


In Alain Caron’s new book, Apostolic Expansion: The Kingdom War for Territorial Gains he states:

“For the kingdom to come and continue to be established, the church must grasp her identity as revealed by Jesus.  It is that Ekklesia that the gates of hell cannot overcome because it has received the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.  It is that Ekklesia that must proclaim on earth the divine decrees revealed by the Father.  It is that Ekklesia that must serve as a structure to align the earth with heaven, as Jesus taught us to pray,  Your Kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  By authorizing on earth what is authorized in heaven and forbidding on earth what is forbidden in heaven, the church will demonstrate that we actually have the authority to open and close, that the keys have really been entrusted to us, and we are the true Ambassadors of Christ.”


Tim Sheets, in his book Planting the Heavens, devoted a whole chapter to the Ekklesia.  He gave the following contextual definition:

“The Kingdom of God’s governing, ruling body is the Ekklesia, established by King Jesus to look after His Kingdom on earth.”  He also wrote, “that the sphere of competence of the Ekklesia allowed it, at the time when Jesus used this term, to ‘summon for its army to assemble for war’ and to ‘rule on societal and cultural matters for its geographical location or territory.’


In Cindy Jacob’s book, Possessing the Gates of the Enemy: A Training Manual for Militant Intercession she shares this:

“The gates of hell will not prevail against a praying church.  Today’s praying Church is rising up in militant force to possess the promised land of our nations.”


This is our mandate, this is our assignment….

Come join us as we take our SEATS in each of the REGIONAL GATES of our STATE to RELEASE Divine Decrees and ESTABLISH altars of Glory for the purpose of RECOVERING and RESTORING our society and culture for the Kingdom of God!

Our NEXT Southern & Southwest Regional Assembly
will b
e held
July 20th

Valdosta, Georgia


September 19-21, 2024 – STATEWIDE ASSEMBLY- Jekyll Island Resort Club

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