About Us
Kingdom Authority Ministries, Inc. is an Apostolic Training and Equipping Hub.
By applying and teaching Kingdom principles, our goal is to train, equip, impart and activate individuals and organizations to fulfill their God-given destiny.
Kingdom Authority Ministries partners with Kingdom Leaders, Ministries and Businesses to provide relational Apostolic Alignment. Ephesians 4:11-13 tells us that "So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to EQUIP his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up."
The word EQUIP is the Greek word "katartismos" (Strong's #G2677). Katartismos comes from the root word "katartizo" (Strong's #G2675), which means to mend, repair, make whole or perfect, setting of bones, adjust, fit. So basically Katartismos means to make something or someone completely adequate or sufficient for something. The basic idea is
that of putting a thing into the condition in which it ought to be. It refers to that which has been restored to its original condition, is being made fit or being made complete. The root word was used as a medical term used for setting bones! Secular Greek also used it to refer to the furnishing a house. Paul's use in the context of the body, the church, pictures the complete furnishing of the believer so that he/her might be made ready to fulfill his/her purpose in the body of Christ where he/she had been placed by God's Spirit.
In other words "bringing into alignment or putting in its proper position."
The purpose of the five-fold ministry is to align or position you for the work of the ministry. Alignment increases your authority to function in the Kingdom of God. We believe this is important for every sphere of influence, not just those in full-time ministry positions.
Ed and Lynn Alderson, co-founded Kingdom Authority Ministries in 2012.
They received the initial vision for the ministry in 2003, however it took another
10 years of preparation before they were released to launch it.
To learn more about Ed and Lynn, click here.
The founding scripture for the ministry is:
“For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power!”
1 Cor. 4:20 NLT