Southern & Southwest Regions Assembly
Saturday, July 20, 2024
9:30am - 5:30pm (with off-site lunch break)
Location: New Covenant Church
3531 Bemiss Rd, Valdosta, GA 31605
($22 per person)
Southern Region Counties
Appling, Atkinson, Bacon, Berrien, Brantley, Brooks, Charlton, Clinch, Coffee, Cook, Echols, Lanier, Lowndes, Pierce, Ware, Wayne

Southwest Region Counties
Baker, Calhoun, Colquitt, Decatur, Dougherty, Early, Grady, Lee, Miller, Mitchell, Seminole, Terrell, Thomas, Tift, Worth
Convening Apostle
Lynn Alderson
Pray Georgia Apostolic General

Lynn is the Co-Founder, Chairman of the Board and Executive Director of Kingdom Authority Ministries, Inc., a Regional Apostolic Training and Equipping Hub whose goal is to train, equip, impart and activate individuals and organizations to fulfill their God-given destiny.
Lynn is an ordained Minister and a commissioned Apostle. She is married to Ed Alderson, who serves alongside her in ministry and brings a valuable gifting as a seer prophet. Lynn and Ed serve as the U.S. HAPN (Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network) Directors providing leadership and oversight to the National Network under the leadership of Dr. John Benefiel. They also serve as the North America Continent Leaders for GPEC (Global Prayer Empowerment Center) under the leadership of Apostle Robert Henderson.
Under the ministry umbrella of Pray Georgia, Lynn serves as the Georgia Co-State Prayer General for RPN (Reformation Prayer Network) under the leadership of Dr. Cindy Jacobs, as well as the RPN Southeast Regional Leader providing leadership and oversight for four states (GA, FL, NC and SC.)
Lynn and Ed reside in Columbus, Georgia and have four children and ten grandchildren. Lynn and Ed are aligned with Global Reformers Apostolic Network, led by Apostle Robert Henderson and Kingdom Harvest Alliance, led by Dr. Chuck Pierce.
Regional Ambassador Host
Ken and Marcia Brown
Southern Georgia

Ken and Marcia Brown are the Southern Georgia Ambassadors for Pray Georgia. They have been involved in several ministries since their marriage in 1973. Both are retired from secular jobs; Ken in sales positions and Marcia in education. They reside in Appling County (Baxley) with all of their immediate family.
They are presently ordained by Kingdom Authority Ministries and Wellsprings of Life Ministry.
Worship Leader
Alex Brown

September 19-21, 2024 – STATEWIDE ASSEMBLY- Jekyll Island Resort Club